Catedrala Evanghelică, Sibiu

Catedrala Evanghelică
Piaţa Huet, Nr. 1
Sibiu 550182
Construction of the church began in the 14th century and was completed in 1520. The congregation, along with all the other Saxon (German) churches in Transylvania, joined the Reformation in 1540 and became Lutheran.
Catedrala Evanghelică
Evangelical Lutheran Cathedral
telefon: 0269 211 203
fax: 0269 211 203
fax: 0269 211 203
The church comanages the Bruckenthal Art Museum and hosts tens of thousands of visitors who come every year to see and photograph the church. The three pastors are: Kilian Dörr, Hans-Georg Junesch and Klaus Untch.
The Lutheran Church of Sibiu is a member congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Augsburg Confession in Romania.