Crama Ileana, Sibiu

Crama Ileana
Piaţa Teatrului, Nr. 2
Restaurant Crama Ileana
telefon: 0269 434 343
mobil: 0744 841 048
fax: 0269 433 433
mobil: 0744 841 048
fax: 0269 433 433
Here you can enjoy delicious country-like and pastoral food beginning with the traditional polenta ("mamaliga") and sour cream, and ending with the most sophisticated tasty foods.
Crama cu specific pastoral: 95 locuri
3 Saloane restaurant: 40, 60 si respectiv 120 locuri
12.00 - 02.00
- formatie de muzica populara romaneasca (crama, marti-vineri)