Șoseaua Alba Iulia, Sibiu
The following places can be found in Șoseaua Alba Iulia in Sibiu:
Casual Dining Restaurant
Eating out in Romania is generally a casual affair, with smoking/non-smoking rooms and, if you're lucky, some live music.
M: 0742 079 669
M: 0746 922 875
Hotel, Sibiu
T: 0269 228 875
Motel, Sibiu
T: 0269 243 333
M: 0735 445 962
Club de noapte, Sibiu
M: 0751 081 918
Information Point, Sibiu
T: 0269 253 999
M: 0730 250 788
Aeroport, Sibiu
T: 0269 253 135
Staţie de taxi, Sibiu
Taxis are generally easy to find, especially if you know where they congregate.