Bulevardul Victoriei, Sibiu
The following places can be found in Bulevardul Victoriei in Sibiu:
Casual Dining Restaurant
Eating out in Romania is generally a casual affair, with smoking/non-smoking rooms and, if you're lucky, some live music.
Chinese Restaurant, Sibiu
T: 0269 244 000
Takeaway, Sibiu
Looking for food on the run? There are a lot of great (and not so great) take-aways using fresh local ingredients to produce tasty treats.
Hotel, Sibiu
T: 0269 215 975
M: 0751 061 697
Bar/Pub/Terasa, Sibiu
M: 0733 020 387
T: 0269 218 065
M: 0730 004 468
Club de noapte, Sibiu
M: 0756 754 971
Piscină, Sibiu
Indoor swimming pools require you to wear a swimming cap and you pay by the hour. Outdoor pools are more casual and topless sunbathing is not unusual.
T: 0269 214 488
Staţie de taxi, Sibiu
Taxis are generally easy to find, especially if you know where they congregate.