Calea Dumbrăvii, Sibiu
The following places can be found in Calea Dumbrăvii in Sibiu:
Casual Dining Restaurant
Eating out in Romania is generally a casual affair, with smoking/non-smoking rooms and, if you're lucky, some live music.
T: 0269 252 948
T: 0369 809 060
T: 0269 252 353
M: 0749 055 256
T: 0269 216 005
M: 0751 106 000
Takeaway, Sibiu
Looking for food on the run? There are a lot of great (and not so great) take-aways using fresh local ingredients to produce tasty treats.
Pensiune, Sibiu
Numerous pensiuni provide comfortable private accommodation, with breakfast included and often their own restaurant.
M: 0745 160 201
Hotel, Sibiu
T: 0269 218 100
T: 0269 216 005
M: 0751 106 000
Bar/Pub/Terasa, Sibiu
The Box
Calea Dumbrăvii, Nr. 24, Sibiu
Fine cocktails bar - the body is made of 90% water, and I'm thirsty
M: 0769 543 891
Club de noapte, Sibiu
M: 0723 677 181
Muzeu, Sibiu
Theatre, Sibiu
T: 0269 212 883
Park/Zoo/Outdoor, Sibiu
T: 0269 240 476
There are plenty of places in Sibiu where you can work out or be pampered
Body Time
Calea Dumbrăvii, Nr. 74, 550324 Sibiu
antrenament, sport, slabire, nutritie, personal, exclusive, sibiu, body, time, ems, tonifierea
Antrenament personal Cel mai bun antrenament din lume cu cele mai bune rezultate in cel mai scurt timp acum in sibiu. Vino si tu la body time daca vrei...
T: 0369 809 028
M: 0741 563 427