Strada Justiţiei, Sibiu
The following places can be found in Strada Justiţiei in Sibiu:
Casual Dining Restaurant
Eating out in Romania is generally a casual affair, with smoking/non-smoking rooms and, if you're lucky, some live music.
T: 0269 214 814
Pensiune, Sibiu
Numerous pensiuni provide comfortable private accommodation, with breakfast included and often their own restaurant.
Casa Cardinal
Strada Justiţiei, Nr. 9, Sibiu
Situata langa legendara Biserica din Groapa, va asteapta cu drag!
T: 0269 214 814
Café, Sibiu
Open during the day for tea & coffee and also often alcoholic drinks and small snacks. Outdoor seating is popular during the summer months.
M: 0744 275 151