Piaţa Huet, Sibiu
The following places can be found in Piaţa Huet in Sibiu:
Pensiune, Sibiu
Numerous pensiuni provide comfortable private accommodation, with breakfast included and often their own restaurant.
HUET Residence
Piaţa Huet, Nr. 3, 550182 Sibiu

Kleines Cafe
With its refined atmosphere, offering a combination of independence and genuine hospitality, Huet Residence is the ideal choice for a stay in Sibiu. ...
M: 0727 999 111
Café, Sibiu
Open during the day for tea & coffee and also often alcoholic drinks and small snacks. Outdoor seating is popular during the summer months.
T: 0269 223 223
Church/Biserica, Sibiu
Catedrala Evanghelică
Piaţa Huet, Nr. 1, 550182 Sibiu
Evangelical Lutheran Cathedral
The church comanages the Bruckenthal Art Museum and hosts tens of thousands of visitors who come every year to see and photograph the church. The three...
T: 0269 211 203
Cinema, Sibiu
T: 0269 210 134
M: 0756 085 778